Awana is a Bible-centered evangelism and discipleship program for children in grades 1 to 6. Awana helps churches and parents raise children and youth to know, love and serve Christ. Awana actively involves parents, mentors, and church leaders.
Awanas an acronym, coming from 2 Timothy 2:15: Approved workmen are not ashamed.
Awana at Rockland Baptist Church
Weekly Activities
Each weekly club meeting includes a small-group segment, when clubbers recite Bible verses to their assigned leaders; a large-group segment, when a Bible lesson is taught; and a game-time segment, when games are played on the unique Awana game circle. Awards are also presented to acknowledge handbook progress and other achievements. Exciting theme nights, club parties, and other stimulating events spice up meetings throughout the year.
Annual registration and payment of dues are required. The cost of registration for 2021-2022 is $80 per child, with discounts for multiple children in a family (non-RBC members registration is $120 per child). Registration forms may be found online or with the Club Director. Registration fees cover all awards and incentives, club parties, scholarships, administrative costs, and leader training.
Handbooks and Uniforms
Handbooks and uniforms are two of the most important components of Awana and are required for participation. Clubbers work through their age-appropriate handbooks, memorizing scripture and working on Bible-based activities, for which weekly awards are presented. Uniforms provide a place to display these awards, as well as help maintain discipline.
Parent Involvement
We expect parents to assist their children in working through their handbooks. We believe that parents have the sole responsibility to be spiritual leaders in their homes. Awana is a great tool, but it cannot replace the parents’ mandate to bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).
Committed parents make some of our best leaders, and we have a variety of roles for everyone! Please volunteer to join our Awana leadership team.
Awana at Rockland Baptist Church
Sparks - T&T
Tuesday Nights
October 19, 2021 – May 24, 2022
6:30 - 8:10 p.m.
Awana Club Directors
Maksim Khashchuk and Yevgeniy Utyuzh