Worship & Music

Sing to the Lord a new song. . .

Kids Choir

Every Friday 5:00 pm

"From the mouth of infants and nursing children You have made praise" Ps. 8: 3

Children's participation in worship brings much joy and blessings to both the church and the children themselves. We are glad to every young minister and look forward to everyone who wants to join us
to glorify our Lord!

Youth Choir

Every Tuesday 7:00 pm

“Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth; " Ps. 95: 1

We invite youth and adolescents from 13 years old who wish to join and glorify our great Lord with all their heart and soul. You have the opportunity to learn and participate in choral singing.

Main Choir

Every Monday 7:00 pm

“.. Let us stand before Him with thanksgiving, we will exclaim to Him in songs,” Ps. 94: 2

Choral has always been an essential part of the church ministry. We are a fellowship that is open for those who wish to serve our God through music.

Youth Orchestra

Every other Friday 7:00 pm

"Praise Him with tympanum and faces, praise Him on strings and organ." Ps. 150: 4

If your children are interested in playing musical instruments or would like to discover their talent, our choir directors are always ready to help you.

Main Orchestra

Every Tuesday 7:00 pm

“... let them praise His name with faces, let them sing to Him on the tympanum and harp ...” Ps. 149: 3

 The Lord has endowed you with talent and only you are able to fully reveal it by glorifying God
with songs and music.

Folk Orchestra

Every other Friday 7:00 pm

“Sing to the Lord a new song; praise Him in the
assembly of the saints. " Ps. 149: 1

Age cannot be an obstacle to proclaiming the glory
of the Lord. Our orchestra of folk instruments is
a living confirmation of this and we invite everyone
who feels a vocation for this.

Worship Band

“Sing to our God, sing; Sing to our King, sing... ”Ps. 46: 7

Praise is an integral part of the life of every Christian. It is also a tool to help you get closer to God's presence and acceptance of His Word.

A difference made with your help


The Church always needs your help. If the Lord calls you to do work or you have a desire to make a change, join us, we really need you. Fill out an application and we will contact you.

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